Friday, June 5, 2009


" The toad likes water but not when it's boiling." - Guinea

We like to see the weather in the southeastern region of the USA warm up a bit during the spring, but during the summer - not so much. The summers can be relentless in abundant sunshine and profuse moisture that hangs in the air like steam in a small bathroom.

When I went to Ghana several years ago, I experienced intense heat that caused me to increase my usually limited consumption of water to several bottles throughout the day. I arrived home 10 pounds lighter and happy with the unexpected benefit of sweating profusely. But Ghana also gave me cool nighttime breezes from the ocean and spirited connections with people in the markets and various places I visited. I laughed and danced and was warmed by the hospitality and gracious invitations of the people I met. In the stillness of the night, I experienced the replay of the intensity of the day, and realized the blessings of my being there.

When the heat turns upward, we take positions and make changes in our lives. We may focus our energy and thoughts on the discomfort of the heat and change to different clothing or seek refuse in air-conditioned spots. We may be grateful for the absence of the cold, and plan to absorb as much of the sun and heat as possible or we may bask in the beauty and presence of Spirit in the changing seasons. Our various positions can determine how we experience the changes in temperature.

When our world heats up with challenging situations, we notice our discomfort, and we have memories of more peaceful times, so we can realize that all is temporary. Some of us change our view of the situation, finding peace in the midst of the chaos. Some of us are relieved, saying "Things could be a lot worse," and express our gratitude to Spirit.

We may also respond by allowing Spirit to be more fully recognized in our life, trusting that everything changes because the universe moves. We realize that in any challenging situation, Spirit's presence is our way through, around, over or under the obstacle. The way is to be present in the still moments when we focus on the silence, when we stop doing and start saying yes to Spirit. We say yes because we know that our discomfort is known, our questions are answered, and our requests are already fulfilled. Say yes to Spirit, and the waters will quiet down to a simmer. The water is our life; Spirit invites us into the flow.

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